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Please note that ET's website will be changed during 2012 to accommodate website accessibility issues. From 2007 - 2011 we have been in contact with multiple consulting companies and subject matter expert (SME) "accessibility" research groups using our own company website as an initial testing template (Beta site) for addressing application of our field research into accessibility standards. Thank you to all visitors to our site 2007 forward who provided valuable feedback in this realtime research endeavor.

 Starting Q3 2011 we will offer ...for your review

  • Select information and product referrals Top picks from our 2007 - YTD 2011, consumer field research and selective testing for: accessible travel services providers; travel safety communication (satellite/cell); mobility; low vision/blind; hearing impaired;  accessible travel authors;  and most importantly Emergency & Disaster Preparedness (Environment & Safety). Emergency (ER) preparedness, alerts, response, recovery: Domestic to USA "911" vs. International type privatized ER safety services, disaster preparedness-evacuation-recovery (e.g. hurricane, tsunami, earth quake, etc.) - Pwda directed, and Search & Rescue (SAR) awareness. Outdoor survival preparedness training ...are you lost, need shelter, injured & needing medical vs. equipment repair/replacement assistance...DON'T rely on your cell phone-use it only as one form of multiple "back-up" options. Surviving a trip to the great outdoors?  Maybe you should ask your Teenager? (reference to a non-profit here in Colorado working with teenagers in the great outdoors & offering survival training for teens and adults while venturing into the great outdoors).
  • Going "Green", being "Green" while traveling and at home.
  • Info/items for more healthy travel & a healthfull life 
  • Photographic items  
  • FREE travel tips

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